Upcoming Events:
Men's Breakfast
Breakfast Meeting
Where: City Gates Church
When: 7am Saturday Feb 22
Johnny Rowlett as always brought great music as well as a great word of God for the men and the community! We are so thankful to have men of his caliber coming to our town. While he was here we went from fall to winter in one day! October 23, 2022
In August 2019, Reaching Men helped a young widow with three children finish up the contracts her late husband had signed. He was a fencing contractor, and she was tryng to finish up a mile of 4-wire barb. What a privilege to be able to help in this situation. She is now freed up to start a new career! God is so good!
The free barbecue on Aug 11 2018 was a great success, hundreds of people showed up for free food and stayed for the Johnny Rowlett concert! Also featured was worship music by several local worship leaders. There were dozens of kids at the bouncy house and face-painting booth, all having a blast. Thank you to all the men who worked so hard on this event!
Men's Retreat with Johnny Rowlett February 2018!
The Men's Retreat was well attended with over 100 Friday night and 86 on Saturday. Reaching Men would like to thank Johnny Rowlett for fitting us into his schedule. God has given him not only the ability to write, compose and sing but also the anointing to preach the Word in power. Lives were changed! Our deepest thanks to Grangeville Christian Church and Pastor Harold Gott who donated the use of their beautiful facility for this event, and also all the hard work Pastor Gott and his leadership team put in to help. We would like to thank the local churches who participate in the Reaching Men vision and their men who worked for weeks taking care of everything leading up to the retreat - hours of music practice, food prep, advertising, and most of all prayer. Thank you to the Free Press and Lorie Palmer for donating all the ads they ran in the paper and online. And thanks to Melinda and KORT for spreading the word to the radio audience. Most of all thank you to the Lord, Who showed up and changed men's lives. It is the kindness of God that leads men to repentance, and that kindness was so evident throughout the event.